The Well Coffeehouse

327 Nees Ave • Clovis, CA • 93611 • 559.314.2600

Our cozy coffee bar and lounge is open 6 days a week, featuring signature, traditional and seasonal beverages, as well as light bites, inspired by the surrounding peach orchards on the historic 50-acre Wawona Ranch. We invite you to gather together over a good cup of coffee.

The Hours








Our Story

Aptly named The Pantry, the frozen-fruit packing shed on the historic 50-acre Wawona Ranch became a make-shift meeting space for The Well Student Ministries. Hungry for a place of connection and community – a port in the storm – young kids braved The Pantry’s sweltering heat in Fresno summers to find authenticity, truth and light in the depravity.

“They will tolerate swamp coolers and dust to have a physical place to meet. They wish for a place that is theirs to call their own.”
Ka’eo Yoshikawa Student Ministries Youth Pastor

The Student Center, now home to The Well Coffeehouse and The Well Student Ministries, is part of a development that will continue to transform one of the city’s most recognizable corners into a spiritual training and community center.

The vision of The Well Community Church is to strengthen this generation and grow the next into a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. As such, the heart of the development is and will remain, a gathering space that reflects the church’s values of simplicity, authenticity, and community engagement.

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