Life Rhythms Sermon 2 years ago Gospel Purpose Society/Culture We all have a way of life. We say no to some things to say yes to others. What would it look like to say yes to the things that…
Handle Accurately the Word of Truth Sermon 2 years ago Bible Society/Culture The Bible says what it means and means what it says. In Paul's final written words, Paul encourages Timothy to handle the word of truth rightly. So also, we need…
A Biblical View of Homosexuality Sermon 2 years ago Sexuality Society/Culture If God's design was male and female in a heterosexual, monogamous, till-death relationship, how did we get where we are today? Join Denny Burk as we navigate the tension of…
A Biblical View of Gender Identity + Q&A Sermon 2 years ago Men Sexuality Society/Culture Women The Bible is clear as to the gender identities being male and female. How did we get to gender fluidity, transgender and gender confusion, and the departure from the Word…
Sexual Confusion & How We Got Here Sermon 2 years ago Sexuality Society/Culture Join Denny Burk for a short history of the evolution of sexuality distancing itself from the plan of God and indulging in the flesh. We will explore Romans 1 and…
A Biblical View of Sexuality Sermon Series 2 years ago Men Sexuality Society/Culture Women Join us for a condensed sermon series exploring Biblical Sexuality with guest speaker, Denny Burk.
Are You Also Going Away? Sermon 2 years ago Pride Society/Culture What do we do when our interests don't line up with the Lord's? When Jesus asks, "Are you also going away?" he emboldens us to respond as Peter did- with…
Paul's Exhortation to Timothy Sermon 2 years ago Bible Society/Culture Paul's closing exhortation is for Timothy to guard the truth he has been entrusted with. The Bible is our authority, and just like Timothy, we need to guard what has…
The Gospel & False Teachers Sermon 3 years ago Gospel Society/Culture When we adhere to the gospel, we are continually transformed. Paul instructs Timothy on dealing with false teachers who actively spread heresy and bring others down with them. May we lovingly hold…
Sound Biblical Teaching Sermon 3 years ago Bible Sexuality Society/Culture Paul opens his letter by challenging Timothy to hold to the word of God. Sound biblical teaching holds grace and truth in tension, broadening our understanding of God through His…
The Double Calling Sermon 3 years ago Bible Society/Culture Joseph's faithfulness and hard work set him apart no matter what occupation he had in Egypt. What does it look like for us to be set apart in an unholy…
September 2021 Mayor Jerry Dyer City Prayer Requests United in Prayer Resource 3 years ago Prayer Society/Culture