Who Is My Mother? Who Are My Brothers? Sermon 2 years ago Adoption Redemption Relationships Why are questions important in the Jewish context? This summer, we are examining why Jesus asked what he asked and what it revealed about the people and situations around him. …
Trusting in the Promises of God Sermon 3 years ago Adoption Faith On his deathbed, Joseph’s father Jacob, reveals that he has grown into a man who trusts the promises of God even when they don’t seem real because he trusts the…
Following the Call Part 5: Mounds of Paperwork Article 7 years ago Adoption Devastated. That is how I felt after finding out we would have to wait a quarter of a year to take the classes we needed to move forward with adopting…
Following the Call Part 4: Applications and Orientations Article 8 years ago Adoption I hate unfinished things. I think I might have mentioned that before. It’s this weird feeling I have, like things aren’t real until they are actually complete. I can’t get…
Orphan Care Video Article 8 years ago Adoption Parenting Hear stories of people from The Well who have been personally impacted by fostering and adoption, and consider what you could do to care for those who have no one…
Orphan Care / Galatians 3:29-4:7 Sermon 8 years ago Adoption Fatherhood Gospel Grace Parenting The idea of orphan care and adoption is at the very center of our Christian theology. Our very testimonies reflect the love and mercy of our heavenly Father who stepped…
Mommy Wonder Article 8 years ago Adoption Community Kids Parenting Society/Culture Adoption is funny. It’s one of those things you won’t fully understand until it’s happens, like marriage, being a parent, being a certain profession, or [fill in the blank]. Here…
Growing Your Family Through Adoption Article 8 years ago Adoption Kids Parenting It happened over four years ago, but I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was at my parents’ house enjoying a leisurely Friday afternoon when my phone rang.…
Following the Call Part 3: The Decision to Start Article 8 years ago Adoption One year ago, almost to the day, our journey toward adopting officially began. I was getting ready to start a new school year. As I sat on my bed prepping…
Following the Call Part 2: My Control or His Plan Article 8 years ago Adoption Have you ever gone on a zip line? People love those things! They want to ride zip lines in the jungle, at the beach and anywhere in between, and I…
Following the Call Part 1: Hearing the Call Article 8 years ago Adoption I heard the call as if it was spoken aloud to me. It was direct and clear. My heart, unflinchingly and wholeheartedly said YES! I remember this moment like it…
The Engine of the Spiritual Life / Romans 8:1-15 Sermon 10 years ago Adoption Peace Our salvation was originated by God. Our sanctification is divinely produced as well. Yet too many Christians are trying to live their lives by human effort and self-motivation. Unfortunately these…