Instructions for the Wealthy Sermon 2 years ago Money Wealth is relative, and we are called to steward whatever God has given us well. Let us fix our hope on God who richly supplies, and rethink what it means…
Giving Generously Sermon 3 years ago Generosity Money Giving is much more than donating money. Today we discuss generosity and why giving is a key foundational practice to a healthy spiritual life. Interested in diving deeper into Foundations?…
Cultivate Anniversary Sermon 4 years ago Cultivate Money Today we celebrate the 2nd anniversary of Cultivate, our initiative spanning 3 goals and 3 years. With the intent of strengthening this generation and growing the next generation into a…
The Life-Change Process / 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 Sermon 5 years ago Community Faith Generosity Gospel Money Serving As believers, God is sanctifying us, and His desire is for all of us to become mature followers of Him. In this passage, Paul writes to the church at Thessalonica…
The Power of the Resurrection / John 20 Sermon 5 years ago Faith Gospel Money The Easter story we celebrate is the most incredible gift God could ever give us: Jesus Christ, our gracious Savior, loved us so much that He came to die for…
Anchoring Our Hearts to Him / Matthew 6:25-34 Sermon 5 years ago Fear/Anxiety Gospel Mental Health Money Purpose When our eyes move to the things of this world, our hearts follow. When our hearts begin to drift away from God to the things of this world, anxiety comes…
What Do You Treasure? / Matthew 6:19-24 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Money Purpose Serving Whatever demands our heart and whatever we desire will be what we are devoted to and ultimately serve. As Christ-followers we like to say we value God, but our actions…
The Motives of the Heart / Matthew 6:1-18 Sermon 6 years ago Gospel Money Prayer Purpose In this passage, Jesus is admonishing His followers to live differently than the religious hypocrites. He teaches about prayer, fasting and giving, and the importance of our hearts being congruent…
With a Pure Heart Article 6 years ago Generosity Money Giving. This should be easy. Time. Talent. Treasure. I’ve got this. Or so I thought. A brief search on the meaning of giving reveals the same idea wherever you look:…
The Joy of Generosity / Luke 6:38 / Mark 12:41-44 Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate Faith Generosity Gospel Kids Money Students By His own nature and character, God is generous, and we are His image bearers. Therefore, we are called to reflect His characteristics. Because of the fall, we became selfish…
Cultivate 1, 2, 3 Sermon 6 years ago Cultivate Gospel Kids Money Students Though this message may seem like an outlier, it’s actually once of the most important messages we have given in 16 years because we are inviting people to be a…
Tristan's God Money Story 6 years ago Cultivate Generosity God Stories Money "You can start giving your money to God whenever you want, as long as you have money to give to God."