Gospel Leadership / 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Sermon 6 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Leadership Missions Relationships In this passage, Paul is defending himself and his ministry against accusations being made of him, and he responds by saying he cares so deeply for the people of Thessalonica…
Faith That Changes the World / 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10 Sermon 7 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions What if God had a bigger plan for our salvation than we knew? What if it weren't only about changing us or our eternal state? What if God meant for…
The Church at Thessalonica / 1 Thessalonians 1:1 / Acts 17 Sermon 7 years ago Faith Gospel Hope Missions The church at Thessalonica was persecuted from the very beginning. Paul traveled there with Silas and Timothy on his second missionary journey, and Jews and Greeks, men and women, responded…
Disciples and Discipline / Hebrews 12 / Matthew 18 / 1 Corinthians 5 Sermon 7 years ago Gospel When a church is operating in health, broken Christians are honest about their brokenness, and their hearts are soft and open to the things of God, it is a beautiful…
Members of the Body of Christ / 1 Corinthians 12:7-12 Sermon 7 years ago Bible Community Faith Gospel Grace Money Prayer Purpose Serving As followers of Christ, we each have a role to play and are called together into the body of Christ, the church. We have a responsibility, a shared commitment and…
All Because of Love / Luke 1:26-2:20 Sermon 7 years ago Gospel By definition, God is love, and He created us as image bearers to reflect His love to the world. Even in the midst of our sin, when we didn’t deserve…
Addressing Issues in Marriage Sermon 7 years ago Gospel Marriage Money Relationships What do you do if your marriage is not going well? What if you’re in a place where you’re processing divorce? Where do you turn if you’ve been divorced? We…
A Theology of Marriage / Mark 10:1-12; Ephesians 5:31-32 Sermon 7 years ago Fatherhood Gospel Marriage Men Motherhood Parenting Relationships Sexuality Women It seems the idea of marriage has become more confusing in our culture than ever before. More and more couples are choosing to avoid marriage altogether because they no longer…
Letter to The Well Sermon 7 years ago Faith Generosity Gospel Money Prayer Race Serving Society/Culture Worship As we’ve gone through the letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor in the book of Revelation, we’ve seen real people in real churches with real issues. Giving commendations…
Smyrna / Revelation 2:8-11 Sermon 7 years ago Faith Gospel Smyrna was a wealthy and beautiful city that was very faithful to Rome. While the city was rich, the church at Smyrna was poor, having experienced financial persecution being kicked…
Behind the Mask Article 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Gospel Grace Healing Mental Health Pride Sexuality Shame I am recovering from fear of rejection, pride, perfectionism, and acting out through sexual fantasy and pornography. Well that ramped up quickly, didn’t it? How in the world did I…
Andrew Feil Story 7 years ago Addiction Fear/Anxiety Gospel Grace Healing Mental Health Pride Sexuality Shame I am recovering from fear of rejection, pride, perfectionism, and acting out through sexual fantasy and pornography. Well that ramped up quickly, didn’t it? How in the world did I…