By the Blood of the Lamb / Exodus 11:1-12:32 Sermon 7 years ago Gospel Redemption God could have chosen to redeem the Israelites any way He wanted, but he used 10 plagues, each specifically geared to confront and essentially dethrone an Egyptian deity. The final…
Godly People in an Ungodly World / Jeremiah 29:1-14 Sermon 7 years ago Gospel Peace Prayer Serving How do followers of God, surrounded by paganism, enter into their community to influence and shape it? We’ll look at how the Jews did just that in Babylon, and what…
Praying for Those in Authority / 1 Timothy 2:1-6 Sermon 8 years ago Faith Gospel Prayer Oftentimes, the church is known for being against political leaders or authority figures we disagree with. Our natural tendency is to revert to complaining and arguing about how wrong they…
Racial Reconciliation / Luke 6:41-42 / Ephesians 2:8-22 Sermon 8 years ago Faith Gospel Grace Race Society/Culture Racial reconciliation is a gospel imperative. We are in the middle of one of the most controversial situations we have seen in our generation. Yes, we have come a long…
Literacy / James 2:14-26 Sermon 8 years ago Gospel Kids Race Society/Culture Students The way you live your life authenticates your faith. How are you getting involved with what God is doing in our city? Becoming a literacy mentor to help kids learn…
Orphan Care / Galatians 3:29-4:7 Sermon 8 years ago Adoption Fatherhood Gospel Grace Parenting The idea of orphan care and adoption is at the very center of our Christian theology. Our very testimonies reflect the love and mercy of our heavenly Father who stepped…
Personal and Communal Transformation / Hebrews 10:19-25 Sermon 8 years ago Community Faith Gospel Hope God is a God of community. He is a communal being, and He created mankind to experience community with Him. In fact, the heart of the gospel shows us a…
The Messiah Will Come Again / 2 Peter 3:9-14 / Acts 1:6-8 / Romans 8:18-25 Sermon 8 years ago Gospel Hope At Christmas, we celebrated the fact that dozens of Old Testament promises and prophecies about the long-awaited Messiah had come true. A suffering servant had come to die for the…
The Messiah Has Come / Matthew 1:18-25 Sermon 8 years ago Gospel Marriage Relationships Way back in the Garden of Eden, God promised us a Savior, and Christmas is when we celebrate that He delivered on His promise. God sent His Son to die…
The Person of the Messiah / Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Sermon 8 years ago Gospel Serving For centuries God's people waited for a Messiah. They had all the promises and prophecies in front of them, yet somehow when He came, they missed Him. Obsessed with the…
Promises of the Messiah / Genesis 3:15 / Hebrews 1:1-3 Sermon 8 years ago Gospel Redemption From Genesis to Revelation, we see that God’s plan for a Savior of the world has always been Jesus. That plan unfolds chapter by chapter, and becomes more and more…